Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Immerse Yourself - Increasing Learning through Simulation... Gaming Style

Dan Keldsen interviewed Calrk Aldrich on the use of simulations in learning. Interesting interview where Clark gives some ideas about the type of simulations, how they can be used an so on...

Immerse Yourself - Increasing Learning through Simulation... Gaming Style
A conversation with Clark Aldrich, Co-Founder of SimuLearn which is www.simulearn.net, and lead designer of their "Virtual Leader" product, and a step-back to Simulation 101 to bring people listeners/readers up to a common-level of discussion, and then some diving into how to sell and use simulation or other e-learning within an organization, pros and cons of techniques, and a lot of discussion on what e-learning or simulation both can and cannot do. This is you chance to disguise time spent in Second Life as "research" into e-learning!

Access the interview or download the MP3 to listen to, at http://tinyurl.com/y7xpu9


At 8:41 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Luke - Thank you for the linkage to the podcast/interview I had recently done with Clark Aldrich on Simulations and Gaming.
If you would be so kind however to post just a summary of the blog entry rather than a complete copy of the transcription, and instead link to my blog for the full text, I would appreciate it.

At 9:45 am, Blogger Luke said...

No problem Dan. Apologies for that.


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